About TMG

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So far TMG has created 378 blog entries.

Steve Nelson and David Ris Appear in JK Strategies’ Take Five

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-78ykNcRLII&t=138s TMG’s Steve Nelson and Dave Ris were recently interviewed for Take Five, a Washington-focused policy video series hosted by Jack Kalavritinos of JK Strategies. Steve and Dave spoke about trends in government relations recruiting. Among the points made: Both Democrats and Republicans [...]

By |2022-05-09T12:11:30-04:00May 9, 2022|Categories: Government Affairs, News|Tags: , , |

2022-1 Lateral Market Report: As Expected, Lateral Market Exploded in January

This is the latest update on lateral partner and counsel moves in the Washington, D.C. area. The data included in these reports is primarily derived from Firm Prospects LLC. For more details and analysis, please contact TMG’s Steve Nelson (snelson@tmg-dc.com) [...]

By |2022-02-24T10:38:37-05:00February 24, 2022|Categories: Articles & Insights, Lateral and Partner Moves, Legal, TMG's Take|Tags: , , |
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