Steve Nelson and David Ris Appear in JK Strategies’ Take Five TMG’s Steve Nelson and Dave Ris were recently interviewed for Take Five, a Washington-focused policy video series hosted by Jack Kalavritinos of JK Strategies. Steve and Dave spoke about trends in government relations recruiting. Among the points made: Both Democrats and Republicans [...]

By |2022-05-09T12:11:30-04:00May 9, 2022|Categories: Government Affairs, News|Tags: , , |

TMG Assists Cengage in Search for Key Government Relations Role

The McCormick Group has been retained by Cengage to recruit the company’s chief government affairs professional. The company’s Senior Director, Government Affairs will direct and oversee coordination of Cengage’s relationship with federal, state, and local officials to develop and execute lobbying [...]

By |2021-07-02T15:47:23-04:00June 17, 2021|Categories: Government Affairs, News|Tags: , |

TMG’s Take…on the Changing Battlefield for Government Relations

The world of influence continues to change. With constant gridlock in Congress, battles once fought through a single, Hill-focused campaign are now being contested in a much wider playing field. […]

By |2018-02-09T16:11:27-05:00June 20, 2017|Categories: Articles & Insights, Government Affairs, TMG's Take|Tags: , |
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