1. Connect the Dots

  •   Do: You have to connect the dots. You must draw the clear parallels between your prior experiences and your ability to do the job at hand. You must explain the benefits you will bring.
  • Don’t: Think they get the connection on their own. You must put your experiences in context, so they understand why they should care and how it will benefit them.

2. Show Energy, Confidence and Honesty

  •  Do: Tell them what you’re excited about doing for them. Tell them what you already know you can do. Be honest about what you haven’t done previously and tell them why you are capable and excited to learn new skills.
  •   Don’t: Express desperation, arrogance, or misstate the truth.

3. Express Your Value

  •  Do: Express your value. First, explain why they benefit from choosing you. Then, explain your compensation desires in terms of fairness based on the expected return on their investment.
  • Don’t: Expect to receive above average compensation for delivering an average return on their investment.

Once you’ve done your homework and you know what the company and business unit you desire to join are trying to deliver, you have to explain how your boss, the business unit and the company will benefit from accessing your skills and experiences. It’s shortsighted to expect the hiring company will inherently understand how they will benefit from hiring you. You must tell them and make the connection.



“Three Thoughts” are  insights on the hiring process to connect the objectives of candidates, companies and recruiters from Cheryl Bedard. Cheryl represents the best interests of candidates and clients. She identifies opportunities for success for talented executives and companies to reconcile hopes and dreams with reality.